
>>Maps >Czech Republic >Tiské stěny

Tiské stěny | 1:3 000 - 1:4 000 | e = 2,5m | Czech Republic | 2014-2016
4 different maps:
Malé stěny (1:3 000, 1st stage)
Bürschlické stěny (1:4 000, 2nd stage)
Velké stěny II (1:3 000, 3rd stage)
Velké stěny I (1:3 000, 4th stage)

Ústí nad Labem Region - Tisá        Google maps
Rock orienteering in Tisá, 4 stages, 27th-28th August 2016, KOB Děčín
basemap: orthophoto, DMR 4G - LiDAR
July 2014 - July 2016: Jan Drbal (20% of the area), Vladislav Nehasil, Zdeněk Sokolář

31st August 2016 | Jan Drbal
Skalní OB v Tisé (Rock orienteering in Tisá) was held in the sandstone terrain in the Northern Bohemia named Tiské stěny on the last weekend of August. All 4 stages of the event was oficilally held as timed trainings, using five courses of varying difficulty, and number of participants was strictly limited to some 300 due to nature conservation reasons. And it seems lucky ones really enjoyed orienteering there - a report on O-News.cz (in Czech only) has a title Rock orgasm in Tisá...
In fact there is no o-map named Tiské stěny - it's just a working title for a set of four overlapping smaller maps issued for each of the stages. Here you can see their layout and my modest contribution to them. As usual, the biggest portion of rocks was mapped by Zdenek Sokolář, as Vladislav Nehasil has done the largest proportion of the area. His northern part was already depicted on the map named Volská říše (1:10 000) made for the Czech Long Distance Championships in 1999.
The maps itself in a well preserved quality can be viewed for example in the map archive of Tomáš Vavřík, including the longest (Black) course and his routechoices (E1, E2, E3, E4). And this is one of the map of another competitor Ondřej Střelba - in somewhat worse condition:). In my part of the area, most of the third and a piece of the fourth stage was situated.
There is an article in o-magazine Orientační běh (in Czech only) about the terrain as well as about how the races shifted from idea to realization writen by one of the originators Jiří Martan. I just added a few of many pictures taken during all the mapping, which took a few weeks during two years. And I might only add that the mapping there was an amazing experience.

Sample of the map

Original drawing by Jan Drbal

Sample of the basemap, orthophoto

Sample of the basemap, DMR 4G