
>>Maps >Czech Republic >Hamrák

Hamrák | 1:4 000 | e = 2,5m | Czech Republic | 2012
Prague - Praha-Spořilov        Google maps
Prague regional event, sprint, 31st March 2012, SK Praga
basemap: ortophoto, cadastral map
March 2010 - March 2012: Jan Drbal

April 20th 2012 | Jan Drbal
Hamrák (1:4 000) is a sprint map showing not so old part of Prague - a settlement named Spořilov, where I had lived until I was 23 and where I went to school, too. Simply - my matter of the heart:) Used for a Prague regional event arranged by my club SK Praga on 31th March.

Sample of the map

Original drawing by Jan Drbal

Sample of the basemap, ortophoto

Sample of the basemap, cadastral map

Sample of the basemap, ZABAGED (contours interval 5m)