>>Maps >Czech Republic >Císařský kámen
Císařský kámen | 1:15 000 | Czech Rebublic | 2010-2011, 2005, 2002-2003
World cup, long and middle, Czech national B event, September 24th-25th, 2011
the race will be held in area of current maps Císařský kámen (2005) and particulary Kančák (2007) between Liberec and Jablonec nad Nisou, where two competitions of Czech cup were held in the past O kámen císaře Josefa II (Continental cup, September 4th 2005, VLI) and 2nd Gigasport Czech Cup (May 20th 2007, TJN). Map for World Cup is be made by Ivo Habán, Martin Lejsek and Miroslav Horáček.
basemap: revision of older map from 2005, laserscan, ortophoto
first versions of map Vesecký rybník (Ivo Habán, 2003) and Císařský kámen (Ivo Habán, Martin Lejsek, Zdeněk ©vec, 2005) was made from ZM 1:10 000 and ortophoto
How to read World Cup map in Liberec
September 20th 2011 | Ivo Habán
The original intention was revision of our map from 2005 and the expansion into the cross-country skiing arena on Vesec. Vegetation was changed and the other changes were necessitated through more consistent application of ISOM. For the final version of the maps was the most important using of new elevation data from laserscan, released in spring 2011. A confrontation of our manual measurements of countour lines with laserscan machine altimetry I expected very curiously. Although it was quite flattering, I pushed on remake at that time already "finished" maps with regard to the new elevation data from laserscan. It meant editing massacre in OCAD, and then again into the forest. The resulting improvement corresponds to the effort.
The essential feature of laserscan is absolute accuracy with which mercilessly exposes the errors in the overall shape of hand-designed contours, especially in impenetrable areas with high density of vegetation or in long flat ridges, where the emotions, eye and hand measurements fail. On some territory of Czech Republic there are available since this year laserscan data of the 4th generation, based on square 5x5m. Unlike with more detailed laserscan altimetry, with whom we worked this year on the maps for Norway championship 2012, the current Czech laserscan does not render gentle terrain details, that still must be measured by hand.
But even the best laserscan itself doesn't mean finished altimetry. I consider map an original artwork, through which the mapmaker interprets terrain, so that the runner could understand as good as possible. The map is a combination of accuracy and exaggeration, a compromise between readability and reality. We tried to do our best.
In vegetation we were faced with an economic character of the forest, optical aspect vs. runnability aspect. This was the most problematic in the older clearings on the edge between of medium green and rough open land with scattered trees, where the runnability is localy conditioned also by undergrowth and the situation is changing every meter.
In case of black color I solved the classic problem with small "passable rock face-stone" that in the direction from the valley shines brightly and is often over 1 m high, but in the other directions, mainly from above, it is barely recognizable object protruding 30 cm above the ground. For small passable rock face it is definitely too short and bland, stone 1.2 / 0.3 distinct only from one side ISOM doesn't know:
Personally I always prefer more flexible generalization by emotions than strict adherence to the key. Is crucial for me, if the object is for the runner in race speed clearly identifiable for first view (from all sides). This time I had to be very strict, so don't look for undersized miniature objects or small vegetation details too much in World Cup map. Nevertheless, even after the generalization lesson of IOF, the map doesn't deny some Czech tendency to finer details. I wish you, whether you understand the map as best as possible.
July 21th 2011 | Ivo Habán
In these days culminating more than a year-long preparation of maps for September World Cup in Liberec, which we have prepared together with Martin Lejsek and Mirek Horáček. The main part of the updates and mapping took place last autumn. Earlier this year released CUZK new elevation data from laserscan. We accepted this challenge and at that time already "finished" map, we underwent another wave of laborious corrections in the spring. Followed by track testing and further adjustments. The last form of the map presented in 2005 has undergone numerous changes. Refine the planimetry and altimetry, vegetation was changed. Single generalization approach significantly improved readability and got the map on the level of world o-scene. Now we complete the map on the model and we're going to the visit of IOF advisor, which will take place in early August.
Sample of World Cup map Císařský kámen, Ivo Habán, September 2011
Revisions-it was a neverending story. There are not two mapmakers with the same eye, but one has to be the boss (and there is laserscan without no doubt). Original drawing by Ivo Haban, September 2011.
Revisions-it was a neverending story... Original drawing by Ivo Habán, August 2011
Sample of World Cup map in confrontation with laserscan altimetry-intermediate version autumn 2010/spring 2011. This was one of the most problematic places, the mistake remaining from original map since 2003 was 14m on the edge of the valley with impassable cliff.
Sample of old map Císařský kámen, Ivo Habán, 2005
Sample of map Vesecký rybník 2002-2003, CISM, middle distance 28.5.2003, Ivo Habán
Císařský kámen, original drawing of the previous map Vesecký rybník, Ivo Habán 2002-2003, situation before revision in 2005
May 20th 2010 | Ivo Habán
Thanks to the unexpected departure from mapping in France, I managed to join the meeting of Organization Committee of World Cup in Liberec with IOF advisor Kjell Blomseth from Norway. By tea at the pub and during next day in forest we discussed everything. The negotiations were marked by a positive spirit. I was surprised by the openness of Norwegian delegate access to the application of map key, particularly in the questions of vegetation. The current form of map from 2005 need the generalization and modification of present Czech view to reflect more the requirements of IOF.
The first version of the map was created in the autumn of 2002. I was already able to do a good positioning, but when I am looking at my clumsy drawing it is clear to see a lack of experience from more challenging terrain at that time in my view. Autumn 2002 was rainy, leaves getting yellow. Only few people know that Plech helped me to made a piece of map, then together we went to training camp in one unnamed country. The rest of map I had to finish in the snow. I was freezing. When I was leaving Dukla Liberec in spring 2003, I never would have thought that I will ever get back to this town, get married here, and certainly not that my first steps before entering the new work will lead to the place in the forest, where I two years ago put down my pencils.
During May and June 2005, a new piece of the map between the road and wiring was made, the earlier part of map passed the first amendments and revisions. Generalization lesson from Martin Lejsek benefited me, but still it was a classic "Brno-school" detailed map in Liberec. Apparently it did not bother anyone too much.
Return to the scene alongside the IOF advisor was easy. Many places I didn't remember. Positioning is OK, otherwise map has to be adequately generalized, mainly vegetaion and black, but it's clear for me today, even without advisor. Five years is five years. My mapmaker's look was changed. I hope in better way. Terrain suffered exploitation, but the forest is still beautiful, diverse. For the Czech conditions very attractive, Northerners will probably a bit bored. And they'll make the errors from speed in some parts.
Meeting with Kjell Blomseth I perceived as unequivocally positive. Our perception of the terrain and its interpretation in the map was similar, sober rational view prevailed and the emphasis on good readability of the map. Map gets new look to corresponding with the parameters of the world o-scene. Two versions of map key definitely not going :-).