Longchaumois, original drawing Ivo Habn
Longchaumois, sample of final basemap: laserscan plus evaluation vegetation and shadow relief
Longchaumois, sub-basemap, laserscan and ortophoto
Longchaumois,sub-basemap, laserscan and shadow relief
Longchaumois | 1:10 000 | e = 5m | Francie | 2011
training map, maybe French national 2014 or similar race
basemap: laserscan, ortophoto, shadow relief, vegetation lines prepared in ocad
August 2011: Ivo Habn, Ludk Krtika, Zdenk Lenhart
new area in Jura mountains (Franche-Comt), where no previous map hasn't been realised
August 15th 2011 | Ivo Habn
Together with Ludek Krtika and Zdenk Lenhart we map in Prmanon, near the border between France and Switzerland. Nice technical terrain 1100 m with karst features, a similar character like on World Cup map Le Grand Roc in Annecy. Thanks to Ludek working with perfectly prepared basemap (laserscan, shadow relief, vegetation). Mapping in 1:5000 scale, fine work. Compared to Annecy 2009 where we didn't have laserscan altimetry and had to make everything completely by eye with altimeter, we are now far more efficient and certainly more accurate. Basemap investment has paid off. Cascades of falling valleys create sink holes and interwoven strips of boulder fields platforms promise a real delicate orientation experience.
I enjoy mapping with Zdenek Lenhart, it's something like to have in a hockey team Jaromr Jagr, perfect.
Written on the cover paper of mapping desk:
August 18th 2011 | Ivo Habn
Hunger, fatigue and insect attack. I fight with megatomato. We work 11,5 hours daily. Mapping "adrenaline". Mental battle with contour lines. There is a silence at the workplace. Yesterday I met again no people, in the evening at 19.30 came to me a fox. I stood motionless, was 10 meters from me, not noticed me. Then my feet started hurt, I shuffled, leaves rustled, and the fox run away. Pale yellow with a white tail.